Email appender
This appender can be used to send log requests through email. One email message is sent for each log request.
function { from = string, rcpt = string or string-table, [user = string,] [password = string,] [server = string,] [port = number,] [domain = string,] [headers = table,] [logPattern = string,] }
The sender of the email message.rcpt
The recipient of the email message. A string or a numerically indexed Lua table with strings.user
User for authentication.password
Password for authentication.server
Server to connect to. Default is"localhost"
Port to connect to. Default is25
Domain name used to greet the server. Defaults to the local machine host
The recipient of the message, as an extended description.headers.from
The sender of the message, as an extended description.headers.subject
The subject of the message sent. This can contain patterns like thelogPattern
A pattern can be specified to control how the message is written.
The default value is"%date %level %message\n"
require"" local logger = { rcpt = "", from = "", headers = { subject = "[%level] test", }, } logger:info("logging.sql test") logger:debug("debugging...") logger:error("error!")